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Container Loading Inspection(CLC)


e) Container Loading Inspection(CLC):

Container Loading Inspection is a process where inspector will check and ensure product quantity and quality During a Container Loading.

Why You Need a Container Loading Inspection?

The purpose of this Inspection is to ensure that your goods are loaded in a proper manner and that containers are not defective and relatively clean. Damaged containers i.e. broken, welding seams, gaps etc., especially on the roof, are at high risk for water damages. Faulty containers are excluded from any transport to protect your goods.

The Work

During a Container Loading Check, our inspector will select boxes at random to confirm each carton bears the quantity of product ordered, the quality matches the specifications and/or approved sample provided by you, and that all packaging material contains the correct barcodes, labeling, and packing materials. We also make sure that no package is damaged during the loading process. With the container loading inspection, we guarantee you get delivered what you have paid for and what has been inspected before. The entire container loading process is strictly supervised under our inspector.