A method of assessing the worth of a company, real property, security, antique or other item of worth. This is a process of determining the fair market value of an asset. Asset valuation is commonly performed prior to the sale of an asset or prior to purchasing insurance
for an asset. The assets are valued for different purposes e.g. for taxes, balance sheet, merger and acquisition, etc. They are also valued for the purpose of insurance and bank loan. This processes used to value assets when determining the price for loan sanctioning or any type of credit received from financial organization.

i) Valuation of Land: During our survey and inspection of the proposed land mortgaged to bank/financial institution we verify the Deed, Parcha, Khatian, Mouja map supplied by the bank or leasing firm. We also verify the price of the proposed land locally which is under the occupancy of the owner of the land and determine the real value.

ii) Valuation of building: The price of building is determined on the basis of considering its structure, architectural designing, quality of building materials, applying depreciation from the year of establishment of the building as well as necessity of its use.
iii) Valuation of Machinery: The prices of machineries are determined by following invoices, applying depreciation from the year of manufacture and its use also.
iv) Valuation of other assets: The prices of other assets are determined on the basis of its collection value, market price, present use and present market value which are surveyed by respective Engineer.